How to add Google Translate into our Blogger ?
How to add Google Translate on Blogger
Bagaimana cara untuk menambahkan Google Translator "Translate" ke dalam Blogger kita ?
The Easy way to translate our blog or websites using google translator sound "The good news" for that lover of blogger. Blogger present the technique easily for you can are usable. Just only few of code copy and paste to your HTML/Javasript Collum and then running well for pretty much languages.
Cara mudah untuk menerjemahkan blog atau situs-situs web kita menggunakan penerjemah google kedengarannya "Berita gembira" untuk pencinta blogger. Blogger menyajikan teknik untuk memudahkan kamu. Hanya dengan melakukan "copy and paste" kode-kode tertentu ke dalam HTML/Javasript blogger anda berjalan langsung dapat dilihat dalam banyak bahasa.
How to add Google Translate on Blogger by Step.
Bagaimana langkah-langkah untuk menambahkan Google Translate di pada Blogger :
(right click images select Open Images
1. you login to blogger
2. in Dashboard page Click "Layout"
3. Add and Arrange Page Elements your Click "Add a Page Element"
4. see HTML/JavaScript Add third-party functionality or other code to your blog. you Click "Add To Blog" button
5. Title type "Translate This Blog:" or label other
6. Content your copy code
Page element added. View Blog now you will should see that it works.
and "Paste" to Content
7. your save press buton "Save Changes"
Page element added. View Blog now you will should see that it works.
*** Your change background color
Edit Color code
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